Our Presse Release

Our Spirit, Our Passion!

Marhaba from RockFort Boutique – Café Bar !

RockFort is a new place born out of the passion of a team that continuously puts the effort to work and generate innovative concepts that reflect its own spirit.
We are born in June 2019, during the most troubled times in Lebanon and in the entire world: just a few months before the Lebanese revolution on October 17 and then the covid-19 pandemic.
However, our passionate longing & determination to keep this idea revived and this new model alive encourage us to overcome the everyday challenges.

Every time we welcome someone, we aim to provide an interesting concept to discover something different.

At RockFort you can grab a coffee or a drink, chill on a couch, or even be dazzled by the outside view while you have your bite from our menu.

It’s a place where people get together to enjoy live music, or stand-up comedy shows; and entertain themselves with board games or in-depth discussions & meetings. Ultimately they can buy items artistically crafted by local artists.

RockFort is a holistic experience. It’s The Living Space with the spirit of people who have collaborated in “building” it, and continuously transforming

At RockFort,
you feel home,
a home outside
of yours.